So, Ms Alvarez did not use my information from our interview for her article. Not a big deal - I declined to have photo taken (I was busy that week) and I refused to divulge the amount I was due as a refund (that is not America's business!).
However, she published a well-written article, and I am altogether pleased with her research.
And surprise, surprise. Still nothing from the IRS case manager! Guess who is getting a call tomorrow from one. angry. customer.
New York Times
May 27, 2012
With Personal Data in Hand, Thieves File Early and Often
by Lizette Alvarez
However, she published a well-written article, and I am altogether pleased with her research.
And surprise, surprise. Still nothing from the IRS case manager! Guess who is getting a call tomorrow from one. angry. customer.
New York Times
May 27, 2012
With Personal Data in Hand, Thieves File Early and Often
by Lizette Alvarez